Monday, May 30, 2016

Renumbering Activity ID in Primavera P6

By default activity ID in Primavera has a format like A1000, A1010 and so on.

A process to includ inteligence on the activity coding feature.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Primavera P6 Four Week Schedule Look Ahead

Once a schedule has been created, baselined and started, you begin the process of tracking progress. In support of this effort, it’s not uncommon to want to report all activities taking place in say, the next 4 weeks.

David Allen’s popular book on organization entitled “Getting Things Done” encourages you to focus on listing the next steps required to keep your project’s progress moving forward. The beauty of Primavera P6 is that it can display everything that commences or is in progress over the next 4 weeks. These are the next step items of your project schedule.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Primavera P6 Solves the Start-to-Start Open Network Problem

In Primavera P6, once all the activities are clearly defined and the corresponding durations accurately estimated, the next step in the scheduling process is to define the relationships between these activities. This can be a deceptively challenging process. It may appear that you have all the relationships between activities sufficiently defined. But when you start the update process your schedule has logic and critical path errors that are difficult to spot. These errors are most likely caused by an open network somewhere in your schedule. This means that the relationships between activities have loose ends.
A common relationship susceptible... 

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Friday, May 13, 2016

Creating a Believable Schedule

Defining activities is an important part of scheduling. Part of the complexity of the project is determined by the number of activities required to complete that project. When it comes to the size and/or placement of the activities, several control factors should be considered. Once the project has been broken down into unique definable elements of work, the duration of these elements must be accurately estimated. Accurate definition of activities and their durations creates all the elements necessary for a believable schedule.

Read the article on Ten Six